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Research & Initiatives

The BioCom Laboratory houses a variety of research projects centered around nerve modulation therapies, computational and biophysical modeling. Step though the slideshow below for brief descriptions of some of the projects we are currently working on!

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Jongcheon Lim's current project focuses on the evaluation of C-fiber activation profile of the vagus nerve stimulation with microelectrodes, which have different 2D geometry (fractal/circle). He is interested in developing advanced neural interface systems, in the perspectives of material design and device fabrication, towards more targeted neuromodulation.

Check us out at EB 2021 and SfN 2021!

Click below to read our abstracts!

In Vivo Evaluation of Fractal Microelectrodes Towards a More Targeted and Energy-Efficient Vagus Nerve Stimulation


Jongcheon Lim

An Interactive System for Visualizing and Interpreting Propagating Vagal Nerve Activity to Improve the Efficacy of Gastric Electrical Stimulation for Gastroparesis


Rama Coimbatore

Modeling Vagal Nerve Compound Action Potential Parameters to Control Specific Nerve Fiber Pathways


Shreya Kurdukar

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